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Google Rankings Fluctuation

Why Has My Website Traffic Dropped? What to Do (and What Not to Do) When Rankings Fluctuate

It’s quite common for clients to be puzzled when their website traffic drops. Understanding why this happens and what actions to avoid can help you manage these changes more effectively. Here’s a structured guide to help you navigate these ups and downs.

Understanding Google’s Algorithm

Regular Updates:  Google frequently updates its algorithm to improve search results. These updates can range from minor tweaks to major changes, affecting rankings in varying degrees.

Purpose of Updates:  These updates aim to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality content. Sometimes, updates target specific factors like page speed, mobile-friendliness, or content relevance.


Google’s algorithm updates are designed to ensure that the highest-quality content ranks well. It’s a signal to website owners to focus on providing real value to their users.

Danny Sullivan, Founding Editor of Search Engine Land


For a visual explanation of how Google’s algorithm updates work and their impact on rankings, watch the embedded video below for additional insights.



Factors Affecting Rankings

Content Quality: Google values high-quality, relevant content that engages users and answers their queries. Fresh, well-written content is crucial for maintaining good rankings.

User Experience:  Factors such as website speed, mobile optimisation, and easy navigation play a significant role in rankings. A website that offers a poor user experience might see a drop in rankings.

Backlinks:  The quantity and quality of backlinks (links from other reputable sites) are important. Changes in the quality or number of backlinks can impact your rankings.

Common Reasons for Ranking Fluctuations

Increased Competition:  New competitors entering the market or existing competitors enhancing their SEO efforts can influence your rankings.

Website Changes:  Updates or modifications to your website, such as redesigns or content changes, can affect rankings.

Algorithm Changes: Major updates (like Google’s Panda, Penguin, or Core Updates) can significantly shift rankings.


Below is a summary of key algorithm changes, along with the focus of each update.


Update Date Focus
Google Florida November 2003 Fighting keyword stuffing and irrelevant links
Big Daddy February 2006 Improving infrastructure and canonicalization
Jagger October 20005 Fighting spammy links and low-quality sites
Caffeine June 2010 Infrastructure update for faster crawling and indexing
Panda February 2011 Targeting low-quality content and farms
Freshness Algorithm November 2011 Prioritizing fresh, timely content
Page Layout Algorithm January 2012 Fighting excessive ads above the fold
Venice Update February 2012 Localizing search results
Penguin April 2012 Fighting webspam and manipulative link practices
EMD (Exact Match Domain) September 2012 Targeting low-quality exact match domains
Payday June 2013 Targeting payday loan and spammy queries
Hummingbird September 2013 Improving natural language processing
Mobilegeddon April 2015 Mobile-friendly websites prioritization
Quality Updates May 2015 Refining content quality rankings
RankBrain October 2015 Machine learning to interpret search queries
Fred March 2017 Fighting low-quality content and affiliate-heavy sites

Real-World Cases of Panda and Penguin Impact

Google Panda Update (2011): eHow

What It Was: Google Panda was an algorithm update designed to target low-quality content and thin websites. The goal was to reward high-quality, useful content and penalise sites with poor content quality.

Background: The Panda update severely impacted eHow, a popular article-based website. Before Panda, eHow had a large amount of content, often including low-quality, duplicate, or poorly written articles.


  • Traffic Drop: After the Panda update, eHow experienced a significant drop in search engine traffic. The quality of many of its articles did not meet Google’s new standards, leading to lower rankings and visibility in search results.
  • Response: eHow responded by investing in improving the quality of its content. This included rewriting existing articles to be more comprehensive and useful and implementing stricter quality control measures for new content.

Outcome: EHow’s traffic stabilised over time as it adapted to the new quality standards. The case of eHow highlights the importance of high-quality, valuable content in SEO.

Google Penguin Update (2012): JC Penney

What It Was: Google Penguin aimed to combat manipulative link-building practices, such as keyword stuffing and buying links. It targeted websites that were using spammy or deceptive techniques to inflate their search rankings artificially.

Real-Life Example: JC Penney

Background: In the lead-up to the Penguin update, JC Penney, a major US retailer, was found to be engaging in aggressive link-building practices. This included paying for links and using link farms to boost their search rankings.


  • Penalisation: JC Penney experienced a drastic drop in search engine rankings for many of its targeted keywords. This was a result of the Penguin update’s crackdown on unnatural link profiles and manipulative SEO tactics.
  • Response: JC Penney responded by removing questionable links and improving their link-building strategies to align with Google’s guidelines. They also focused on creating more organic and natural link-building practices.

Outcome: After addressing the issues and aligning with Google’s quality guidelines, JC Penney recovered its search rankings over time. This example underscores the importance of ethical link-building practices and the potential risks of using manipulative techniques.

What Not to Do When Dealing with Ranking Fluctuations

SEO is a long-term game. Fluctuations in rankings are normal, but the focus should always be on maintaining best practices and adapting to changes in the algorithm.

Aleyda Solis, International SEO Consultant and Founder of Orainti

Avoid Panic Reactions:

  • Don’t Make Hasty Changes:  Resist the urge to make drastic changes in response to sudden ranking drops. Immediate, unplanned changes can sometimes worsen the situation.

Don’t Rely on Black-Hat SEO Tactics:

  • Avoid Manipulative Techniques:  Techniques like keyword stuffing, buying backlinks, or using hidden text can lead to penalties. Stick to ethical, white-hat SEO practices.
  • White-Hat vs. Black-Hat SEO:  White-Hat SEO practices align with search engine guidelines and focus on delivering high-quality, valuable content. In contrast, Black-Hat SEO involves tactics designed to deceive search engines or manipulate rankings, which can result in severe penalties or ranking drops. For instance, the Penguin update targeted manipulative link-building tactics, highlighting the risks of Black-Hat practices. (Learn more about White-Hat and Black-Hat SEO in Backlinko’s guide.)

Don’t Ignore Analytics:

  • Neglecting Data:  Ignoring analytics data can lead to misguided actions. Use data to understand and address the root cause of ranking fluctuations.

Don’t Overlook Mobile Optimisation:

  • Ignoring Mobile Users:  With mobile-first indexing, neglecting mobile optimisation can negatively impact rankings. Ensure your website is fully responsive and user-friendly on all devices.

Don’t Underestimate Content Quality:

  • Overlooking Content Updates: Don’t neglect high-quality, relevant content. Regular updates and improvements are essential for maintaining and improving rankings.

Don’t Disregard User Experience:

  • Ignoring Usability: Poor user experience, such as slow loading times or complicated navigation, can hurt rankings. Ensure your site provides a positive user experience.

Don’t Neglect Ongoing SEO Efforts:

  • Ceasing SEO Activities: Stopping SEO efforts due to temporary ranking drops can be detrimental. SEO requires consistent effort and adaptation.

Don’t Fall for “Quick Fix” Solutions:

  • Avoid Unproven Strategies: Be cautious of services or tools promising immediate results or guaranteed top rankings. Such claims are often unrealistic and may harm your site in the long run.

Don’t Forget to Stay Updated:

  • Ignoring SEO Trends:  SEO is constantly evolving. Don’t disregard changes in best practices or algorithm updates. Stay informed to keep your strategies effective. You can monitor Google’s status updates and issues through their Search Status page.

In a Nutshell:

Ranking fluctuations are a natural part of SEO, driven by Google’s frequent algorithm updates and evolving competition. To navigate these changes effectively, understand the underlying factors, avoid common pitfalls, and maintain a consistent, patient approach. By focusing on quality content, user experience, and ethical SEO practices, you can manage fluctuations and turn them into opportunities for growth.

Did you know?
  • Google updates its algorithm several times a day. While most updates are minor, significant changes, like the Panda and Penguin updates, can have a major impact on website rankings.
  • Mobile-first indexing means Google predominantly uses the mobile version of your website for ranking and indexing. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, it could hurt your search rankings.
  • High-quality content isn’t just about keyword usage. Google’s algorithms look for content that provides real value to users, answering their queries and solving their problems.
Fun Facts
  • The phrase “Google it” has become so common that it was even listed in the Oxford English Dictionary. If only it could also fix all your ranking problems with a simple search!
  • Despite their reputation for being tech-savvy, even the engineers at Google can’t always predict the outcome of their algorithm updates. Sometimes it’s a bit like trying to predict the weather in Britain—unpredictable and a bit confusing!