Making Websites Simple: A House Analogy for Small Business Owners
As a small business owner, you know how important having a website is, but the technical jargon—servers, hosting, domain names—can feel overwhelming. You might not have the time (or desire!) to dive into how it all works, but don’t worry.
Why Has My Website Traffic Dropped? What to Do (and What Not to Do) When Rankings Fluctuate
It’s quite common for clients to be puzzled when their website traffic drops. Understanding why this happens and what actions to avoid can help you manage these changes more effectively. Here’s a structured guide to help you navigate these ups
Introducing Isabelle Cantin: Your Expert Guide to Technology for Seniors
I’m delighted to introduce Isabelle, the dedicated founder of a unique service that bridges the gap between technology and seniors. What began as a heartfelt volunteering effort to assist her elderly neighbours in La Rochelle has grown into an
Socialising in France vs. the UK: How to Navigate Friendship and Social Circles
Having lived in England for thirty years before returning to France, I experienced first-hand just how different the social norms and expectations are in both countries. It wasn’t an easy transition, even for someone like me who speaks both languages